Thursday, 5 May 2011

Scenic bases

I don't know about you, but for some time now I've been well and truly fed up with sticking down some loose grit and a bit of flock, then calling it a base. I need something more and - as usual - I don't intend to pay a lot of money for it.

To that end, I've been trawling the net in search of sagely advice and have once more come up trumps thanks to some truly gifted modellers that have been kind enough to share their wisdom with the hobby novitiates.

First up is the excellent with its easy to follow tutorial on making your own bases from bits of crap lying around the place.

Once you've made some bases, try this resin casting technique posted by the incomparableleadhead in order to save you the hassle of replicating your efforts the hard way.

I'll have to wait a while before emulating Leadhead's technique, (As I'm skint for a bit and don't have anything to cast in any case)but developing my scenic basing skill is something that I've been meaning to do for a long time now and handcannon's excellent tutorial should make that a less than arduous process.


Andrew Paul said...

I'm going to be contrary and bitch and moan about scenic bases. I read that Hand Cannon article, and with the exception of the Cracked Earth base, the rest are shite. Technically well done, but they all fail the "does this look silly" test. They're all too tall, and anyone who uses lava bases for anything except models which are wearing environment suits or are simply supernatural desrves to be soundly beaten with a basalt rock with the word "convection" engraved on it.

Right, I think that's me vented enough - until you do an entry on "object source lighting" effects. :-)

Uncle Truth said...

Now now Mr Moany-pants. I think somebody needs a hug!